Hi-Yield (21624) Zinc Sulfate (4 lb.)

About 21624 Zinc Sulfate: Helps prevent and control Rosette on Pecan trees and provides and excellent source of zinc. Can be applied as a foliage spray or as a soil treatment. For use as foliage spray mix 1 tablespoon per 3 gallons of water and apply after pollination. For soil treatment use, broadcast granules at a rate of 1 3/4 lbs. per inch of tree diameter. About Hi-Yield

  • Prevents and corrects rosette deficiency in pecan trees which causes deformity of fruit.
  • An excellent source of zinc for all types of fruit trees.
  • This product contains 17% Sulfur and 36% Zinc.
  • For spray application mix 1 tablespoon per 3 gallons of water or 1 lb. per 50 gallons of water.
  • For soil treatment apply broadcast from the trunk to the dripline. See label instruction.
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