Voluntary Purchasing Group Fertilome 32086 Garden Fertilizer, 4-Pound, 8-10-8

Use on vegetables , flowers, trees, shrubs and tomatoes. Application Rates: Vegetable Gardens and Flower Beds: Apply 1 3/4 lbs. per 50 sq. ft. to cultivated soil. For supplemental feeding, apply 1/2 above amount. Tomatoes: Apply 2 tbsp. per new plant, 2 lbs. per 50 sq. ft. for established plants in bed and 1 1/4 lbs. per 20 feet of established plants in row. Trees: Spread evenly to ground out under the widest spread of branches. Keep away from tree trunk. Feed twice a year in early spring and late fall by applying 3/4 lb. for each inch of trunk diameter. Shrubs and Ornamentals: In early spring sprinkle a light coating out to the spread of the widest branches at the rate of 3/4 cup to a 3 ft. plant; larger or smaller shrubs in proportion.

  • Use on vegetables , flowers, trees, shrubs and tomatoes
  • Ideal tomato food
  • Easy to use
  • Ideal for all Varieties of Vegetables
  • 8-10-8
estimates delivery times and we work to get your item to you as quickly as possible and within those times, but please know it may take slightly longer than the estimate.