KOSS 191867 UR10 On-Ear Headphones

The KOSS UR10 On-Ear Headphones are a portable model that offers maximum sound quality and comfort in a lightweight, portable design. Today’s music lovers depend on lightweight, portable headphones to reproduce their favorite recording on the go. The UR10 combines the very best in sound performance without sacrificing comfort and portability. It delivers deep bass and has a frequency response of 60 Hz through 20 KHz. It features an adjustable headband that provides a secure fit for active music listening. The closed, leatherette ear cushions provides maximum isolation and comfort. The UR10 offers the listener great value at an opening price point.

  • Offers maximum sound quality & comfort in a lightweight, portable design
  • Closed leatherette earpads provide maximum isolation & comfort
  • Features adjustable headband that provides a secure fit for active music listening
  • Freq resp: 60Hz–20kHz
  • Imp: 32Ω
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