Sikh Daily Prayer Gurbani Japji Rehras Sahib Ji Gutka Steel Plate Roman English 

Daily Prayer - Nitnem - Please note publisher keep on Changing title on Gutka Sahib Binding/Steel Plate Cover time to time, sometimes they write NITNEM and Sometimes Daily Prayer; both means same and contents inside are always same.

We are not able to update photos all the time. NITNEM we say in Punjabi and Daily Prayer in English. Just writing this in description to avoid the confusion. Stay Blessed!

This Gutka Sahib is a good help for them who can't read Gurmukhi as it reads the same Gurmukhi Script pronunciation in Roman English.

Please see photos for more information Beautiful steel plate binding on front.

Pocket size - approx 7.5cm.x 10.2cmEasy/ Very handy to carry in bag during travel. Limited quantity available.

Book Ref: A30

Beautiful Stunning Steel Plate Cover

Hard Book Binding.

Please see photos. Premium quality paper.

Excellent gift/memorabilia for someone for life.Nit-Nem (literally "Daily Discipline") is a collection of selected Sikh hymns that are designated to be read by the Sikhs every day at pre-fixed times. It normally includes the Gurbani which is read daily by Sikhs in the morning, evening and at night.

In Morning:

a. Japji Sahib,

b. Jaap Sahib,

c. Anand SahibIn Evening:

d. Rehras Sahib

e. Ardaas Night [Before going to bed]

f. Keertan SohilaJapji Sahib bani in the morning.

Rehras Sahib in the evening. Kirtan Sohila at night bed time.

Please ask for more details.

Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.