• Title: Paulette Rees-Denis and the Gypsy Caravan Present "Caravan Trails," a Live Performance Collage with Gypsy Caravan 1995-1998
  • Format: VHS Video
  • Videocassette condition: Very Good
  • Container condition: Very Good
  • UPC: N/A
  • Comments: Paulette Rees-Denis is a Transformational Lifestyle and Business Coach for Creatives. She is also a speaker, global dance innovator, author, and a leader in feminine celebration. Paulette is known for her work in helping creative individuals find fulfillment and prosperity in their artistic pursuits. She has authored several books, including her latest, "From Soulless Job to Creative Abundance," and is the innovator behind the Global Caravan Tribal Bellydance and Tribal Grooves dance styles. The video "Caravan Trails" by Paulette Rees-Denis is a performance piece featuring the Gypsy Caravan Dance Company. It showcases the unique blend of tribal bellydance and global dance styles that Paulette is known for. The video captures the essence of feminine empowerment and celebration through dynamic and expressive dance movements.