Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is an American TV series created by Chris Black and Matt Fraction and produced by Legendary Television, centered on monstrous creatures. It’s the sixth installment and second TV series in the Monsterverse franchise, inspired by Toho Co., Ltd's Godzilla. The series picks up after the events of Godzilla (2014), following the Monarch organization as they encounter Godzilla and other Titans over fifty years.

Set in 2015, a year after half-siblings Cate and Kentaro Randa reappear, they explore the mystery of their missing father Hiroshi's connection to Monarch, an organization that monitors Titans or MUTOs (Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms). Decades earlier, scientists Bill Randa and Keiko Miura were key figures in Monarch’s early development. Former Army officer Lee Shaw becomes a close ally of the Randa family, connecting both timelines.