In “Sublime Conceptions”, William Blake’s evocation of the Fall of Eternals from ‘Innocence’ into ‘Experience’ is exposed in depth in relation to correspondent ideas and images in the Jewish Mystical Tradition of the Kabbalah. This comparison serves to illuminate the meaning of both, giving new insights into the cosmic roles of Jerusalem, of Los’s labours of Mercy at his Furnaces and the unquenched divine light in all that exists. It goes beyond literary exegesis by providing a journey of potential spiritual transformation, as Blake himself hoped his prophetic visions would do.
This book should appeal to all lovers and students of Blake and those studying Philosophy and Religion, as well as anyone perusing a quest in their reading for inspiring spiritual truths. It will, hopefully, bring fresh appreciation of both Blake and the Jewish mystical tradition of the Kabbalah, which continues to evolve in every age.