In New Mexico, a well known part of our culture is our love for chile. Red and/or green chile is a staple in many a household and is served with a variety of dishes from tamales and enchiladas to cheeseburgers 😋. Some of us even use it in lieu of gravy during the holidays 😂! Red chiles are dried, strung into what is known as a ristra, and used as decor. Chile roasting season (in the fall) is eagerly anticipated, and families flock to buy their chile for the year. And don't even get me started on the amazing smell! In short, we love our chile lol.
Because of this appreciation, I was inspired to create some chile-esque earrings. Maybe they're a bit niche, but I'm hoping there are folks out there both local and not that can appreciate how cute these are 😊!
*Credit for the original Cubic Pillars pattern goes to Luwan Beads World (YouTube).