International transit time may take anywhere between 1 to 8 weeks even longer due to the Customs delay via USPS First Class International Mail and there is no tracking, delivery confirmation available for certain countries. We’ll provide you US Customs Form Entry Number that shows the date which your item has shipped. Australia, Israel, Belgium, Italy, Brazil, Latvia, Canada, Lithuania, Croatia, Luxembourg, Denmark, Malaysia, Estonia, Malta, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, France, Turkey, Poland, New Zealand, Germany, Portugal, Gibraltar, Singapore, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Spain, Hungary, Switzerland 100% customer satisfaction is our goal. If you are not satisfied, Please do not leave negative feedback in retaliation for a defective product or something you were not expecting. F
International transit time may take anywhere between 1 to 8 weeks even longer due to the Customs delay via USPS First Class International Mail and there is no tracking, delivery confirmation available for certain countries. We’ll provide you US Customs Form Entry Number that shows the date which your item has shipped. Australia, Israel, Belgium, Italy, Brazil, Latvia, Canada, Lithuania, Croatia, Luxembourg, Denmark, Malaysia, Estonia, Malta, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, France, Turkey, Poland, New Zealand, Germany, Portugal, Gibraltar, Singapore, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Spain, Hungary, Switzerland 100% customer satisfaction is our goal. If you are not satisfied, Please do not leave negative feedback in retaliation for a defective product or something you were not expecting. F