Additional Details ------------------------------ Subject keyword: cultural history; cultural historian; futurology; social history; unique history; best gifts for history lovers; quirky history; Glen Adamson; Glenn Adamsen; books by curators; A.E. Waite; Pixie Colman; Alfred Stieglitz; Hilma Af Klint; Piet Mondrian; history of tarot cards; modern history; history of modern life; what are futurists; what are trend forecasters; what is future-casting; how to predict the future; design history; architectural history; what is utopia; Ray Kurzweil; weather prediction; Ulrich Beck; socialist utopianism; Brooks Stevens; Margaret Hayden Rorke; Samuel Butler; Edward Bellamy; Buckminster Fuller; Ebenezer Howard; garden city; world’s fair; New York World’s Fair; world of tomorrow; Aldous Huxley; afro-futurist; funkadelic; feminist futurism; speculative design; Neri Oxman; Alvin Toffler; famous futurists; books about futurology; best history books