Embark on an intergalactic adventure with the LEGO Star Wars Republic Swamp Speeder (8091). This set, released in 2010 as part of the Star Wars Episode III subtheme, offers a build that's perfect for fans aged 7-12. The speeder's dimensions of 2.2 inches in height, 15 inches in length, and 10.3 inches in width make it a formidable display piece or a fun toy to recreate epic swamp scenes.

The set includes a variety of characters and elements true to the Star Wars universe, ensuring a rewarding build that captures the imagination. Though this particular set is incomplete, it provides a fantastic opportunity for collectors and enthusiasts to search for and compile the pieces necessary to complete their own version of the Republic Swamp Speeder.

Checks in manual indicate all pieces found. No check indicates that piece is not included. A number indicates how many are MISSING.