RAINBOW COLEUS MIX (Solenostemon scutellarioides)- Coleus is a beautiful plant that blooms in leaves and not flowers, and many gardeners can recognize the importance and beauty that foliage alone can bring to a garden.

Before Planting: Coleus can grow in the shade, but you will obtain the best color of leaves by planting it in an area that has morning sun and afternoon shade.

Planting: Sow seeds indoors eight to 12 weeks before the last frost. Coleus can grow in patio containers or in a flowerbed.

Watering: Make sure the soils has dried to a depth of two

Fertilizer: Fertilize Coleus once a month with a 10-10-10 fertilizer.

Days to Maturity: It can take 4-12 months for the plants to look ideal.

Harvesting: Coleus do not make the greatest options for cut flowers because they tend to wilt immediately upon cutting them. however, you can overwinter Coleus by turning it into a houseplant during the colder months.

Tips: Coleus will flower if you don’t pinch it back, so be sure to pinch the plant back every few weeks to direct more energy into the stem and leaves of the plant. When Coleus flowers, it puts too much energy into the flower blooms and loses vigor with its leaves. Once the Coleus flowers, it will die a few weeks afterwards.