Delve into the enchanting world of "Dragon's Egg" by Sheila K. McCullagh, a captivating addition to the Puddle Lane Reading Program Series. Published in 1985 by Ladybird Books, this hardcover picture book is a treasure for both young readers and collectors alike. The story, accompanied by the vivid illustrations of Jon Davis, comes to life in a seamless blend of narrative and artwork, making it a delightful reading experience for those advancing their literacy skills.
As a vintage piece, it holds a special place in the realm of juvenile fiction, serving as a gateway to the rich tapestry of language arts and disciplines. Its lasting charm is a testament to the era's craftsmanship in storytelling and educational publishing. Whether for a classroom, a personal library, or as a nostalgic read, "Dragon's Egg" is a timeless tale that continues to inspire and educate its audience.
Hardcover, minor wear to cover, may have very minor soil. Sticker remains Pages straight, tight and unmarked.Enjoy more Puddle Lane with combined shipping