Additional Details ------------------------------ Bullet point: The Dog Man book series, created by Dav Pilkey, is a wildly popular and humorous graphic novel series that follows the adventures of a part-dog, part-man crime-fighter. Known for its unique blend of action, comedy, and heart, the series is beloved by young readers for its engaging stories and vibrant illustrations. Each book features Dog Man as he battles villains and learns important lessons about friendship, bravery, and kindness. Product description: Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder: A Graphic Novel (Dog Man #12) - Our canine superhero returns in DOG MAN: THE SCARLET SHEDDER, the suspenseful and hilarious twelfth graphic novel in the #1 worldwide bestselling series by award-winning author and illustrator Dav Pilkey! P.U.! Dog Man got sprayed by a skunk! After being dunked in tomato juice, the stink is gone but the scarlet red color remains. Now exiled, this spunky superhero must struggle to save the citizens who shunned him! Will the ends justify the means for Petey, who's reluctantly pulled back into a life of crime in order to help Dog Man? And who will step forward when an all-new, never-before-seen villain unleashes an army of A.I. robots?
University Games, Dog Man Supa Buddies Card Game - EASY TO LEARN AND PLAY: Players flip cards at the same time, looking for matching Supa Buddies, the Chief or the SKUNK! Players who identify the matching cards first win the piles. The player to collect the entire pile of cards wins the game. FAMILY FUN FOR ALL AGES: Perfect for game night! Designed for kids aged 5 and up and 2 to 4 players, gather everyone around for a game night filled with laughter and strategy. COLORFUL AND HIGH-QUALITY COMPONENTS: Featuring vibrant artwork and durable cards, this game is built to withstand countless rounds of play. Each card showcases iconic characters from the Dog Man series. PERFECT FOR TRAVEL AND VACATIONS: Enclosed in a travel-sized tin, this game is not only entertaining, but also convenient for on-the-go play during trips or outings. CONTENTS: Includes 60 Cards and Instructions in a metal tin package for portability.
Bundle Pack includes Dog Man: The Scarlet Shedder Hardcover by Dav Pilkey, Dog Man Supa Buddies Card Game as well as Character Cards.