Introducing the Maihime Series, a collection inspired by the graceful and elegant dancers of Japan. The term "Maihime" translates to "dancing princess," symbolizing the beauty and artistry of traditional Japanese dance. This exquisite dog leash features a stunning Japanese pattern that captures the essence of these timeless performances.

【Product details】

Size: M
Length: Approximately 115cm
Width: 2cm
Color: Red

Premium Material: Crafted from carefully selected fabric sourced from Kyoto, known for its high-quality textiles.

Handcrafted Excellence: Each leash is meticulously handmade by skilled artisans with a dedication to both your dog's comfort and the owner's satisfaction.

The intricate design not only showcases the beauty of traditional Japanese patterns but also subtly includes elements that dog lovers will appreciate, especially those with a fondness for Shiba Inu.

Embrace the tradition and elegance of Japan with the Maihime Series dog leash, and let your beloved pet walk in style. Perfect for dog owners around the world who value quality and cultural beauty.