Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: The Divine Reconciliation of the Universe: A Comprehensive Compilation. This work does not contend for a mere doctrine; its authors are championing the revealed character of God. The gloomy cloud of theology has obscured Him from us for far too long. Tradition’s chilling mists have cooled our enjoyment of His power, wisdom and grace. Religions have libeled His name, repelling the instinctive responses of our heart. Christianity has left us unable to defend His honor in the presence of His enemies. Now all of this is gone and we are able to vindicate Him in all His ways before all His creatures! – Adapted from the Preface This ultimate collection of 110 works by 46 authors spans nearly 200 years. It is an extensive compilation that is essential for every library. Authors include: Arthur P. Adams, Thomas Allin, Alan Burns, E. H. Clayton, Bob Evely, Phillip Garrison, Vladimir Gelesnoff, J. W. Hanson, Joseph E. Kirk, A. E. Knoch, Arthur C. Lamb, Aaron Locker, Adlai Loudy, Andrew Maclarty, R.B. Macnab, Erasmus Manford, H. W. Martin, Robert McLaurine, Robert McMahon, William Mealand, André Piet, Clyde L. Pilkington, Jr., Frank Neil Pohorlak, George W. Quinby, William C. Rebmann, F. H. Robison, A.E. Saxby, Hannah Whitall Smith, André Sneidar, James Strahan, E. F. Stroeter, Thomas Talbott, Ray Van Dyke, and Peter Woodhouse.