This extra clear 2-part knife-grade epoxy is used for monument & gravestone repairs. Suitable to fill, glue and laminate marble, stone, granite, quartz and ceramic. Can be used indoor and outdoor. This product is extra clear, UV stable, soft and light, and easy to spread. Additional Details ------------------------------ Bullet point: Extra Strong & Clear: The Endurance Monument & Gravestone Epoxy is strong, clear and UV-stable. Ideal for outdoor use where the epoxy is visible. Exposure to the sun will not cause Endurance epoxy to yellow over time. Sets extremely hard. Working time is 20-30 minutes. Epoxy will begin to gel and set within a couple of hours of use. Maximum cure time is 24 hours. Product description: This extra clear 2-part knife-grade epoxy is used for monument & gravestone repairs. Suitable to fill, glue and laminate marble, stone, granite, quartz and ceramic. Can be used indoor and outdoor. This product is extra clear, UV stable, soft and light, and easy to spread. Brand: Generic