Sensitively directed by Forest Whitaker, "Waiting to Exhale" is a gripping drama that explores the complexities of love, family, and the pursuit of one's dreams. Released in 1995, this DVD edition brings the poignant story of Andie, a gifted yet unappreciated singer, to your screen. As Andie struggles to find success in the music industry while dealing with personal heartache, the film promises a compelling viewing experience. The DVD features a full-length audio in English, produced by the adept trio of Deborah Schindler, Ezra Swerdlow, and Martin Kelley, ensuring a high-quality narrative. With an R rating, the movie delivers powerful emotions and a strong storyline that resonates with drama enthusiasts. Whether you're revisiting this classic or discovering it for the first time, "Waiting to Exhale" is poised to enrich your movie collection.