Wobble, the Witch Cat" is a charming children's book authored by Mary Calhoun and illustrated by Roger Duvoisin, first published in 1958 by William Morrow & Co. This delightful story follows Wobble, a witch's cat who faces the challenge of riding on his witch Maggie's new broomstick with a thin, slippery handle. Unable to maintain his balance, Wobble becomes grumpy and devises a plan to dispose of the troublesome broomstick. However, Maggie discovers that her old vacuum cleaner possesses flying magic, allowing her and Wobble to make their annual Halloween flight. The tale culminates in a surprising and heartwarming climax that captivates young readers.

This hardcover edition features 32 pages filled with engaging text and vibrant illustrations that bring the story to life. The book measures approximately 27 cm in height. Please note that this is an original 1958 publication, and while it has been well-preserved, it may exhibit signs of age and gentle use. There may be minor wear to the cover and slight yellowing of pages, typical for a book of this vintage. This rare first edition is a wonderful addition to any children's literature collection, especially for those who appreciate classic Halloween stories and the enchanting illustrations of Roger Duvoisin.

Whether you're a collector of vintage children's books or seeking a nostalgic read to share with young readers, "Wobble, the Witch Cat" offers a timeless story of perseverance and creativity.