Story Summary:
"Strobe Edge" by Io Sakisaka follows the story of Ninako Kinoshita, a first-year high school student who falls in love with popular schoolmate Ren Ichinose. However, Ninako soon discovers that Ren is already in a committed relationship with Mayuka Korenaga, the older sister of her friend Daiki. Through Ren, Ninako meets Takumi Ando, a womanizer who genuinely falls in love with her. As Ninako and Ren are thrown into situations that require them to be close together, Ren begins to develop feelings for Ninako, but he is adamant in his choice to stay with Mayuka. Eventually, Mayuka breaks up with Ren, and Ando continues to urge Ninako to move on from Ren and be his girlfriend. However, Ninako and Ren continue to develop feelings for each other, and when Ren confesses his love to Ninako, she initially declines without reason, causing confusion and heartache. With the encouragement of Ando, Ninako realizes her true feelings and goes after Ren to confess her love, which he accepts. "Strobe Edge" is a coming-of-age romance manga that explores the complexities of love, relationships, and self-discovery.
Item Description:
Title: Strobe Edge
Writer/Author: Io Sakisaka
Condition: Brand New and Sealed
Language: English Language
Volume: 1-10 (END)
Genre: Romance, Drama, Teens
Publisher: WOS Limited Manga
This Book Not Suitable for collector because this was not from Viz Media. Suitable for first time want to read manga. Book from Viz Media cannot get with this price because it was expensive. All contents originally from Viz Media but for printing and book its premium quality from WOS Limited Manga
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