Immerse yourself in the world of Dragon Ball Super with this English manga featuring the iconic character Goku. Created by Akira Toriyama and illustrated by Toyotarou, this graphic novel is a must-have for fans of Japanese manga, action, and adventure. The trade paperback format and black-and-white style make it a timeless addition to any collection.
This lot of Dragon Ball Super, published by VIZ Media includes issues 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 9,10,11,12,13,14,& 17, The series title and universe are Dragon Ball, with the story following the adventures of Goku and his friends. This item is perfect for collectors and enthusiasts of comic books and memorabilia, categorized under Collectibles, Comic Books & Memorabilia, Manga & Asian Comics, and Single Volumes.
Vol 1 3rd printing
Vol 2 2nd printing
Vol 3-12 1st printing
Vol 13 3rd printing
Vol 14 & 17 1st printing