Gilded Bicycle Monster V2 Playing Cards

Gilded Bicycle Monster V2 Playing Cards - Picture 6 of 6

A spooky premium deck of Bicycle branded playing cards inspired by the classic monsters from stories and myths in a fun style that will appeal to all ages. This is a slightly modified version from one of our most popular sold out decks from 2018. Each set of courts represents a different type of monster.

Clubs are Water Dwellers

J = Swamp Creature, Q = Siren, K = Kraken

Hearts are Undead:

J = Zombie, Q = Bride of Frankenstein, K = Frankenstein's Monster

Spades are Shape Shifters:

J = Vampire, Q = Selkie, K = Werewolf

Diamonds are Not of this World:

J = Alien, Q = Gorgon, K = Demon

Jokers are Monster Hunters

Please note gilding may wear off with regular use.