Bits and Pieces New York City View 300 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle - Large Pieces

Bits and Pieces New York City View 300 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle - Large Pieces

New factory Sealed. See pictures for exact condition.


Bits and Pieces New York City View 300 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle - Large Pieces


Pre-owned items have been sourced from store shelf pulls, buy-outs, wholesalers, thrift stores, estate, and/or yard sales. All items are inspected for condition and completeness. In order to preserve the quality, safe storage, and delivery we will re-package it appropriately.

New items have been sourced from store shelf pulls, buy-outs, wholesalers, thrift stores, estate, and/or yard sales.

Please contact us if you have additional questions or need to request additional photos. Thank you for your purchase!

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