"Nana" by Emile Zola, originally penned in French and translated into English in 1931, is a classic literary masterpiece that transports readers to a vibrant world of 19th-century Paris. This hardcover edition offers readers a tactile and enduring reading experience that complements the timeless nature of Zola's work. Immerse yourself in the gripping tale of Nana, a captivating and controversial character whose journey through society's highs and lows will leave you enthralled. With Zola's vivid storytelling and the evocative translation from the French, this book is a must-have for literature enthusiasts and those seeking a profound reading experience. Delve into this rich narrative, where passion, ambition, and societal critique converge in a captivating exploration of human nature.
Book is in good shape with signs of age and shelfware. Binding is tight and no writing present. Pages have started to Yellow