This paperback book titled "The Story About Ping" is a delightful adventure for young readers. With a narrated cassette and illustrated by Kurt Wiese, this book is perfect for children ages 2-8. The story follows a cute duck named Ping and his friends, including a geese named Miss Daisy. The book is published by Scholastic in 1988 and is written in English. The book is part of the "Juvenile Fiction" genre and falls under the "People, Ducks, Geese" topic. The cassette music is composed by Michael Lobel and narrated by Maggie Albright. This book is a great addition to any child's library and is sure to provide hours of entertainment.

Book does not a have a printing date but the cassette is labeled 1988. These are a set.
New Old Stock. Has a couple of small dings from the cassette pressing on it. Cassette sealed.