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Largest compilation of historical and genealogical books on Connecticut to be found anywhere on the planetary surface. No one comes close to giving you this much useful information at this low price.
Your Ancestors are waiting to be Discovered.
Partial List of CONTENTS
(With Excerpts)
A Catalog of Names of the early Puritan's of the Colony of Connecticut; With the Time of Their Arrival in the Colony, standing in Society, Place of Residence, Condition in Life, Where From, Business, etc. collected from earliest known records by Royal R. Hinman - (1852) - 824 pages
A Census of Newington, Connecticut; Taken According to Households in 1776 Together with documents Relating to the Early History of the Parish by John Willard - (1909) - 58 pages
A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records, in 3 Volumes covering a 115 year period from 1635 to 1750: Estate Inventories by Charles William Manwaring - (1904) - 2266 total pages
Baptisms, Marriages, Burials and List of Members Taken from the Church of Christ Records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, First Minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 by Mr. Carl Stoeckel - (1910) - 168 pages
Colonial History of Hartford, Connecticut, Gathered from Original Records, Illustrated by Rev. William Deloss Love, Ph.D. - (1914) - 456 pages
Connecticut Motor Vehicle Register for 1919 by Motor Vehicle Department - State Capital - (1919) - 424 pages
Record of Service of Connecticut Men in the 1.-War of the Revolution 1776 ; 2.-War of 1812; 3.-Mexican War Compiled by Authority of the General Assembly - (1889) - 1024 pages
Service Records - Connecticut - Men & Women in the Armed Forces of the United States WW1; 1917-1920: In Three Volumes by the Office of the Adjutant General State Armory - (1941) - 3396 total pages
257 more books not listed here !!!!
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