CHAU1777 This is a stunning large 10" x 8" Dr Who souvenir photo of Terence Baylor as Major Barrington in the Patrick Troughton series of The War Games. . This amazing giant photo ir is a beautiful high glossy Dr Who souvenur from this story series and this is absolute mint condition.. Terence Baylor has hand signed the photo where his signature rests perfectly below his portrait and the silver metallic pen signing is undedicated too.
Major Barrington was an officer in the British Army during WW1 . He was abducted by the War Lords and hypnotized to take part in their simulated version of the war, in which he served under General Smythe. When the Second Doctor and his companions were brought to him, he questioned them, then decided to send them to Smythe. He later gave testimony at their inquiry, and was hypnotised by Smythe to give incriminating evidence. Like all the surviving victims of the War Lords, he was returned home by the Time Lords.
The War Games was the seventh and final serial of Season 6 with Patrick Troughton. It was the final story of the 1960s and the last produced in monochrome. It was notable for introducing the Time Lords and for being the first time that the Doctor's home planet was seen. It was also the first story in which Derrick Sherwin was credited as producer. it was the longest Doctor Who story to survive the purging of the BBCs video tape archiveand currently marks the earliest point in the series where first-time viewers may begin watching Doctor Who in chronological order without encountering any missing episodes. It was also the first story to have a large gap of time between it and the next one.