(internal #DP10-1), This is a beautiful, DINOSAUR BONE HEARTS
Utah, Morrison Formation
Puffy hearts, 1-1/2" tall x 1-1/4" wide x average 1/2" thick
This is exactly what you would receive.
This collection of Genuine Dinosaur poop came from a Utah fossil dig, Emery County, Utah, Jurassic Brushy Basin - Morrison Formation in Utah, 65 to 150 million years old. The Morrison Formation covers 600,000 square miles in several states, the most fertile source of dinosaur fossils in North America. The coprolite has been carved into hearts.
It takes just the right weather & geologic conditions for soft scat to be preserved, sediment could cover it quickly enough or changes in the geology of the area could cover it, then over millions of years the poop is replaced by the minerals in the soil around it such as iron, manganese or carbon that changes it to a gem stone yet it keeps its original shape. Bits of vegetation (leaves, seeds, roots or bark) found in similar coprolite specimens would indicate an herbivore dinosaur created it, or remains of bones, claws or teeth would indicate a carnivore created this coprolite. Dung beetles or dung beetle tracks found in some coprolite also indicates what it is, though each specimen has not been examined to determine if it contains visible vegetation, animal parts or evidence of dung beetles. Each specimen is genuine coprolite and comes with an information card.
Coprolite is of great interest to scientists/paleontologist, as it helps them understand what ancient dinosaurs ate and how well they digested their food.
The gemstone material (agate and jasper) that replaces the dung over the millions of years makes these specimens attractive to be sliced and made into beads or jewelry, or show it off as a paperweight or display specimen. Honest!
Click on my store tag for MANY more dino poop items including: earrings, pendants, necklaces - or add a specimen of matching color of dinosaur coprolite to your earring or necklace order to show where it came from!