As Rynderman and Kamien deftly unfold the story through interviews, animation and re-enactments, employees are played by a talented young cast - Essie Randles, Nya Cofie, Davida McKenzie and Jo Cumpston - all caught in a time loop in the two hours leading up to the crime. As we get to know them, we learn about the town, and the predominant theories. THE SPEEDWAY MURDERS takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride, introducing a cast of characters, theories, narratives, and emotions.
What begins as a true-crime murder mystery evolves into a heart-felt exploration of loss and frustration. After 45 years, what power does the truth hold for those left behind?
Actors: Davida McKenzie, Essie Randles, Joseph Zada, Nya Cofie
Director: Adam Kamien, Luke Rynderman
Languages: English
Running Time: 101 minutes approx
Discs: 1