Mascarilla Reparadora Capilar Seytu

✅Repara puntas abiertas

✅Humecta y evita la resequedad 

✅Repara el daño que hacen las decoloraciones️

✅Repara cabello procesado 

✅Deja un cabello más suave 

✅Contiene queratina 

✅Disminuye el frizz 

✅Para todo tipo de cabello 


Seytu Deep Hair Repair Mask

✅Repairs split ends

✅Moisturizes and prevents dryness

✅Repairs the damage caused by discolorations️

✅Repairs processed hair

✅Leaves hair softer

✅Contains keratin

✅Reduces frizz ✅For all hair types

(If your hair is dry due to chemicals, brushing, sun exposure or another element, there is only one solution: SEYTU Deep Repair Hair Mask)