"The Lost King" by Rafael Sabatini, a 1937 hardcover novel, is a captivating piece of vintage adventure literature that transports readers to a bygone era filled with intrigue and excitement. This rare book not only serves as a compelling read but also as a collectible fiction piece for avid book enthusiasts. Sabatini's masterful storytelling weaves a tale that is both timeless and exhilarating, making it a must-have for those who appreciate classic literature and thrilling narratives. With its rich historical backdrop and engaging plot, "The Lost King" is a literary gem that promises to enthrall readers and take them on a thrilling journey through the pages of this vintage adventure novel. A true treasure for book collectors and literary aficionados alike, this edition exemplifies the beauty and allure of rare books that stand the test of time.

Book is in good shape with signs of age and shelfware. Binding is tight and no writing present but pages are starting to Yellow