Title : Ranma 1/2 Complete TV Series *English Dubbed*
Saotome Ranma, a teenage martial artist, and his father Genma travel to the 'cursed training ground' of Jusenkyo in China. There, despite the warnings of the Chinese guard, they fall into the cursed springs. From now on, whenever Ranma is doused in cold water, he turns in to a girl, and a cute, well-built red-head at that. Hot water changes him back into a man again, but only until the next time. To make matters worse, his father engages him to Tendo Akane, a girl who hates boys.
Number of Episode : 1 - 161 End
Number of Disc : 8
Language : Japanese / English
Subtitle : English / Chinese
Condition : NEW, Original & Licensed Item
Disc Format : NTSC
Region Code : All Region/Region FREE "0"