Chinese Jingwu Athletic Assoc 100 Years Book Robert Yandle wushu martial arts



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By Robert Yandle. For the first time the true reason behind the establishment of Jingwu (Chin Woo) are revealed in a remarkable history that readers will find at once fascinating and surprising! This book takes the reader on a epic journey from the dawn of Chinese civilization to the turbulent period leading to the Jingwu Gymnastic Association in Shanghai in 1910 and subsequent events up to the present day. The author presents an in-depth and factual account of the life and times of its founder; Huo Yuanjia; the politics of the day and the characteristics involved in the Revolution of 1911. If you ever wondered what the Boxer Rebellion was or who the Qing were; this book will answer all your questions. The underlying philosophical and moral values of the Jingwu are also discussed at length as are the 10 basic forms along with a detailed analysis of the renowned Tan Tui routine. This book is recommended; for anyone interested in the origins and development of Chinese Wushu and the context in which they evolved. 6 X 8; 123 pages.

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* Paperback book printed "On Demand" so there may be a 2-3 week delay. 

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0.80 lbs   (Some items are calculated at 1lb for free shipping and will not be the real item weight)





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