Bring the iconic duo from 20th Century Animation's "Beavis and Butt-Head" to your collection with this 12-inch pull string talking doll. Featuring the voice of Mike Judd, this figure captures the irreverent humor and attitude of the beloved character Beavis, complete with his trusty sidekick Butt-Head. Crafted by JAKKS Pacific, the doll is a vibrant multicolor representation of the original animation, making it a must-have for fans and collectors alike. This limited edition Beavis and Butt-Head doll comes in its original unopened packaging, ensuring it remains a pristine collectible. It boasts exclusive features including sound clips that bring the characters to life, perfect for displaying on a shelf or desk as a festive tribute to the classic TV show. Whether for play or display, this talking doll is a unique addition to any "Beavis and Butt-Head" collection.