Copper and Gold Color - Photoshop Action
Copper and Gold Color Photoshop Actions is an amazing Photoshop action which transforms your regular photos into Copper and Gold Color effect. This action works in a non-destructive way to achieve a high quality look. So, the original image layer will remain unchanged. This action is exclusively designed for photographers & graphic designers. It’s a must have for photo effect lovers.

Actions Features:
Produce high quality & powerful output for both web & print media.
1-Click action. It takes a single click to achieve the magic.
Instructions TEX file included for your support.
Non-destructive Workflow. The original image will remain unchanged.
Completely experimented & tested in different Photoshop versions.
Each & every layer is editable & you can tweak nearly everything.

File Format(s) : ATN
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Creative Cloud
Software Requirement : Adobe Photoshop CS5, CS6 to Creative Cloud (CC 2019)
Compatible with both a Mac and PC
Work on RAW and JPEG images