Users of MRC DCC Prodigy Advance, Prodigy Advance2, Prodigy Wireless and Prodigy Express:
Download our FREE software for Windows® and control your DCC railroad from your PC.
This feature-rich, user-friendly system will…
- Run dual throttles off your PC display. Each functions like a cab or walk-around allowing you to program, acquire, and run all locos and accessories
- E-mail decoder settings to friends around the world so they can download and match your settings just by adjusting the software
- Build a roster, display CVs, stacks, route manager, consist info, control accessories, all function buttons and more.
Take a test drive…
Here is the version 1.1 of the software for download ->
download the software now.
Give it a test drive on your computer. Then, if you agree it’s advanced, user-friendly and fun, purchase the interface hardware at your hobby dealer or direct from MRC and start enjoying the future of DCC.
Decoder Profiles
Here are decoder CV settings for a variety of decoders. Click here to download the folder to your computer. Then when you need to program a decoder you can use the CV Blaster to download the specific decoder CV settings you need. We will try to update monthly to provide more decoder settings.
If you have settings for a specific locomotive and want to share it, send an email to [email protected] and using the CV blaster, read all of the CV settings. Then use the "save as" button. Name the file as manufacturer name, decoder model number and your initials (only if you wish). In the email message tell us the brand and model type that the loco that the decoder is installed in, and any other info you think a railroader would want to know. |
You can purchase the interface hardware directly from MRC or from your MRC dealer.
There are two interface hardware packages available:
You may need drivers for your computer:
Here are few pointers:
When you open the software, the front page shows dual throttles. Both throttles work as one cab (or walk-around). Later we will add a single throttle version and perhaps a 4 throttle version.
- The CV blaster will allow you to download CV settings from someone else. For instance you will see a few profiles in the zip file. You can simply open the file on the CV Blaster page by clicking "Load CV Blaster file", select your file, and it will program all CV settings into your decoder in one click of a button. If you make a change and save it for reference you can do so. Then always go back to it when you want. You will also be able to email your settings to someone else or vice versa.
- The program page, the fast clock and accessory selection all are fairly straight forward.
- The roster page you fill in and then you can click any loco you want to activate by clicking on the left column and selecting Throttle A or Throttle B. You will then see it listed on the throttle. We have included two sample pages partially filled out to show you how can create your own and save it with a different name. Let’s say you have a filled in roster page you can load it into the software whenever you want. Use example roster page1 or 2 as examples. To get there click on “Load Roster Page” and you then select the roster page.
If any of you are using
JMRI please let us know if you agree that ours is easier to use. Also any other feedback is welcomed via email. Please no telephone calls on the software at this point. Just keep it aimed at improving our software or make objective comments. Guys, have fun playing with it and to all of you who are using MRC equipment, thanks for your support and we hope you enjoy this latest development.
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