In the heart of a whimsical forest, a charming scene unfolds with teddy bears at camp, enjoying their adventures. This vintage Tuco jigsaw puzzle invites you to piece together a nostalgic tableau, evoking memories of childhood tales and woodland escapades. Each puzzle piece holds a fragment of a delightful story, waiting to be completed.

• Vintage Tuco puzzle
• Charming teddy bear camp scene
• Pieces in excellent condition
• Original box included

Box shows some light signs of wear 
Please see pictures

Terms Of Sale

Payment is expected within 72 hours upon purchase.

Shipping Information

Item is shipped within 24 hours on BUSINESS days. 
Purchases made Friday's (after 5 am PST), Saturday, Sunday, or a Holiday, will be shipped out on the next BUSINESS day.
We do not ship on Saturday or Sunday

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Please contact us by sending a message through the app and we will work with you to take care of the issue immediately.
Returns on items will be accepted within 30 days in original condition.