Title: The Lion King (VHS, 1995) Walt Disney Masterpiece

Description: Immerse yourself in the timeless tale of Simba and his epic journey with this original VHS tape of "The Lion King." Released in 1995 as part of the Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection, this classic animated film continues to captivate audiences of all ages. The VHS tape is in excellent condition, preserving the magic and nostalgia of the original release. Relive the adventures of Simba, Nala, Timon, and Pumbaa as they navigate the Circle of Life in the Pride Lands. A must-have for Disney collectors and fans of animated masterpieces. Includes all the ORIGINAL RARE INSERTS.

Condition: Excellent (VHS tape)

Year: 1995

Format: VHS

Studio: Walt Disney

Genre: Animation, Adventure, Drama, Family, Musical

Running Time: Approximately 88 minutes

Language: English

Rating: G (General Audiences)

Note: This listing is for a VHS tape in excellent condition. Please ensure you have a VCR or compatible player to enjoy this classic film.