HONEY: Honey Daniels (Jessica Alba), a dancer and choreographer working as a bartender and record store clerk until she gets that big break. when she finally succeeds, it feels too good to be true. And sadly it is...until Honey gets a new dream. Fuelled by the exuberant energy of a group of neighbourhood kids, Honey comes back to the sheer joy of letting it all out on the dance floor.
HONEY 2: After a brush with the law, Maria has returned to her gritty Bronx roots to rebuild her life with nothing but a talent for street dance and a burning ambition to prove herself. Maria pours her heart and soul into dance and begins training her crew, the HD's, to compete on the television dance competition "Dance or Die". Like Honey before her, Maria rediscovers the thrill of dancing as she finds out who she truly is and where she belongs.
Actors: Katerina Graham, Randy Wayne, Jessica Alba, Mekhi Phifer
Minutes: 196
Format: DVD Region 4 & 2