Seeds Snapdragon Tetra Mix or Antirrhinum majus

Open Pollinated Heirloom 100 Seeds per pack

Non-GMO - US grown - Open-pollinated - Untreated

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This classic annual blooms in a dazzling array of colors. These ruffled blossoms to a medium height and make lovely cut flowers or an elegant garnish.

Sowing: Tetra Mixed snapdragon seeds can be direct sown in early spring or late fall, planted on the surface of the soil. When seedlings appear, thin or transplant them. To start the seed indoors, begin 8-10 weeks before the last spring frost. Plant Tetra Mixed snapdragon seeds in a flat on the surface of the soil; keep the soil lightly moist and at a temperature of 65-70 degrees F, in indirect sunlight. Germination should take place within 10-14 days. When plants reach 2-3" high, transplant them. Since plants that develop buds most likely will not survive transplanting, be sure to plant them out before they reach that point

Growing: Keep the seedlings moist until they become established. This plant prefers full sun and well drained soil, though it can tolerate partial shade. Pinching off the tops of seedings encourages bushy, neat growth. Though mature plants require watering regularly in the heat of summer, they do tolerate heat well. Overwatering or poorly draining soil can lead to root rot. Since these plants grow very tall, they may need staking or support. The flowers will bloom until frost; deadhead faded blossoms for increased blooming. When the heat of summer begins to fade the blossoms, the plant can be cut back by one third for another blooming in the early fall. Though usually grown as an annual, this plant may overwinter and bloom for another season in warm regions. It often self seeds and produces volunteer plants. Snapdragons attract bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies while repelling deer.

Harvesting: Snapdragons make excellent cut flowers. Choosing stems that still have some buds unopened, cut them at the base and remove only the leaves that will be below the surface of the water in the vase. Fresh cut snapdragons have a vase life of 7-10 days.