Cyclamen Cilicium, an award-winning plant producing upswept flowers and striking foliage, brings spectacular color to late fall and early winter days. It's bright and beautiful, with lilac-washed blooms mingling atop lush mounds of patterned silver and green leaves. The effect is positively enchanting, making them the perfect choice for shady containers and woodland areas.
The butterfly-like blossoms spread their wings just 3 to 6" above the decorative leaves. While the flowers may appear delicate, they're actually tough as nails and capable of thriving in cold conditions down to zone 5. Not to mention, they offer a sweet, honey-like scent that cuts through the winter's chill with ease. Extend the show by planting with Cyclamen Coum, which bursts into bloom just as Cilicium finishes. Enjoy!
Easy to Grow Features
* Zone: 5-9
* Height: 3-6 in.
* Spread: 8 in.
* Sunlight: Partial Shade; Bright Indirect Indoors
* Water: Moderate to Low in Dormancy
* Flowering time: Late Fall to Early Winter
* Flower Color: Lilac
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