Honeoye strawberry plants feature everything there is to love when shopping different strawberry plant varieties! It's strawberries are large, firm, have a beautiful and classic strawberry appearance, and have a great strawberry flavor. This makes its strawberries great for most any intended use you have for them. The Honeoye strawberry plant itself is winter hardy, opening up this strawberry variety as an option for many home gardeners and commercial gardeners alike. Compared to some june bearing strawberry varieties, honeoye produces strawberries steadily in high yields from spring to early summer.These Honeoye strawberry plant's are shipped as bare root strawberry plants, and will arrive with no soil :)
Soil Moisture: Well Drained - Average Moistness
Soil pH Level: 5.5 - 6.5
Taste: Sweet
Texture: Firm
Zone Range: 3 - 8
We recommend spacing these plants 12" apart to ensure room for growth.
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