Jewel strawberry plant produce the picture-perfect strawberry. Its strawberries are large, firm, bright red, and glossy. Jewel strawberries have an excellent flavor and enticing aroma that is great for fresh eating, freezing, baking, or make jams/jellies/preserves. Jewel strawberry plants are June bearing, meaning you will get one harvest sometime from spring to early summer. If you want to plant jewel strawberry plants with other strawberry plant varieties, then it will be helpful to know that jewel is a midseason strawberry plant variety.

Jewel is hardy strawberry variety that does well in many different growing conditions and it displays moderate winter hardiness. Overall, Jewel strawberry plants are a popular and beloved strawberry plant variety among many for its consistency, beauty, and great flavor!
These Jewel strawberry plant's are shipped as bare root strawberry plants, and will arrive with no soil :)

Soil Moisture: Well Drained - Average Moistness
Soil pH Level: 5.5 - 6.5
Taste: Mild, Sweet
Texture: Firm
Zone Range: 4 - 8

We recommend spacing these plants 12" apart to ensure room for growth.

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