Dive into the gripping world of "Whirlwind," the final installment in James Clavell's acclaimed Asian Saga series. Published by William Morrow Company in 1986, this hardcover edition is a treasure for any bibliophile with its comprehensive 1152 pages. It offers a rich narrative set against the backdrop of war and military history, providing a profound exploration of the human experience.
The book comes complete with a dust jacket, preserving its vintage charm. "Whirlwind" is a significant work of fiction that has stood the test of time, captivating both young adults and adult readers with its intricate storytelling and historical depth. Uncover the saga's culmination in a story that remains as powerful and relevant as it was upon its initial release.
Hardcover in dust jacket has very little wear, mild rubs at edges, book half cloth boards, signature decorated cover, light rubs at tips, pages clean, straight and tight.