Title: The Value of Caring: The Story of Eleanor Roosevelt (ValueTales) - Very Good Condition

Description: Dive into the inspiring life of Eleanor Roosevelt with "The Value of Caring," part of the beloved ValueTales series. This captivating book takes readers on a journey through the remarkable life of one of history's most influential figures, showcasing how her unwavering commitment to compassion and empathy transformed the world.

Condition: This copy is in very good condition, carefully preserved for the next reader to enjoy. Pages are crisp and clean, free from markings or tears. The cover shows minimal signs of wear, ensuring that this book will make a wonderful addition to any collection.

About the Book: "The Value of Caring" celebrates the life and legacy of Eleanor Roosevelt, highlighting her tireless efforts to advocate for human rights, social justice, and equality. Through engaging storytelling and vibrant illustrations, readers of all ages will be inspired by Eleanor's courage, resilience, and unwavering dedication to making a positive difference in the world.

Whether you're a lifelong fan of Eleanor Roosevelt or discovering her story for the first time, "The Value of Caring" offers a compelling and insightful portrait of a truly extraordinary woman. Add this timeless tale of compassion and empathy to your library today!