Embark on an epic adventure with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem Donatello Action Figure. This intricately designed piece captures the essence of the beloved character with its vibrant multi-color scheme and meticulous attention to detail. Standing at 4.5 inches tall, this figure is perfect for display or play, fitting seamlessly into any collection or action-packed scenario. Crafted for fans of all ages, the action figure showcases Donatello in his iconic pose, ready to spring into action. The lightweight construction, weighing in at just 0.260 lbs, ensures handling ease while the dimensions of 7.5 x 2.25 x 8.25 INCH provide a substantial canvas for imaginative storytelling. Whether for playtime or as a collector's item, this gender-neutral Turtle figure is a must-have for enthusiasts.