By Yrjo Kokko

Far to the north, beyond the Arctic Circle, live the last nomads of Europe, the the Lapps Lapps of Northern Finland and Scandinavia, Wandering over these frozen wastes behind their herds of reindeer, wintering in their tents in the valleys and plains, summering in little huts high up in the mountains, they are a strange isolated race, unlike the Finns and Norwegians, shy and retiring by nature, and still more pagan than Christian.

Shortly after the last war, Yrjo Kokko traveled north to Lapland to learn something of that dis- tant land and its little known people. He stayed for over three years, and this unique and en- grossing book is the result.

In his text and the many photographs that illustrate it, Mr. Kokko has provided a fascinating picture of Lapland today the nature of the people and their land, their customs and super- stitions, the long dark winter months and the short bright Northern summer when the sun never sets, the wild life and natural beauties of the countryside. And always in the background of the story is the threat that civilization is bringing to the old way of life, to its peace and to the ancient law of the wilderness as the people of the South begin to fetter the freedom of these wan- derers of the North.

Many people fill out the background of Mr. Kokko's narrative, but there are three in particu- lar whose stories do much to give the book its flavor. First there is Jouni, a true son of the land where the four winds meet, who leaves his beloved village for the army, but returns from his wartime exposure to the outside world to take up his life where he left off. Second is Ahku, the wise old grandmother to whom all in the village turn for advice and guidance. And finally Falli, the young shepherd, a wealthy man by virtue of his rein- deer herd.

The Way of the Four Winds presents an out- standing picture of the life of this exotic and fascinating race and their strange, barren but beautiful land. It is a truly distinguished piece of creative nature writing.