Dirty Old Town takes viewers on a journey through the life of Ted Leo and the Pharmacists as they head to Coney Island, NY, for the 3rd Annual Siren Music Festival. Directed by Justin Mitchell, renowned for his work on Songs for Cassavetes, this film delves deep into the world of Ted Leo, an acclaimed artist known for pivotal albums such as Tyranny of Distance and Hearts of Oak (Lookout! Records).
In this compelling documentary, Ted Leo's unique fusion of punk politics, intricate songwriting, and blistering guitar riffs is presented, encapsulating the essence of earnest and irresistibly catchy rock music.
- Title: Ted Leo Pharmacists Dirty Old Town
- Director: Justin Mitchell
- Leading Role: Ted Leo
- Format: DVD
- Genre: Music & Concerts
- Rating: NR
- Brand: Plexifilm
- UPC: 082354001629
This full-length concert film captures the essence of Ted Leo's music and artistry.
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