TAG Nutcracker Ceramic Salt & Pepper Shakers Christmas Soldiers Collectible NIB.  They are both approximately 3" Tall x 1 1/2" wide at top (has never been removed from box so measurements are REALLY approximate).  Original Tag on bottom says- Made in China, bought at Marshall's.  One Nutcracker is wearing a red uniform & the other a green uniform- both have yellow hats, AWESOME mustaches & black boots.  The salt and the pepper come out of the top of the Nutcracker heads.  Perfect at Christmas/ Holiday gatherings to add some whimsy to the table, Nutcracker Collectors, Salt & Pepper Shaker Collectors or give as a Gift.  Both stoppers are intact.  Condition is New In Box (not sure production year).  Never removed from box.  Both stoppers are intact.  Box might show a little wear due to storage.  Unable to find these particular Nutcrackers for sale online- could be someone's lucky Holiday!!!  T13