Once upon a time, in the magical world of holiday decorations, there existed a whimsical Santa advent calendar stocking. This charming piece, with its plush texture and delightful snowman appliqué, invites you to embark on a countdown to Christmas. Each pocket conceals a hidden treasure, unveiling a new surprise as the days draw closer to the joyous celebration.

• 24 Numbered Pockets For Countdown
• Snowman Appliqué Decor
• Festive Santa Design
• Hanging Loop Included

Terms Of Sale

Payment is expected within 72 hours upon purchase.

Shipping Information

Item is shipped within 24 hours on BUSINESS days. 
Purchases made Friday's (after 5 am PST), Saturday, Sunday, or a Holiday, will be shipped out on the next BUSINESS day.
We do not ship on Saturday or Sunday

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Please contact us by sending a message through the app and we will work with you to take care of the issue immediately.
Returns on items will be accepted within 30 days in original condition.